House of official protection

Information on houses with official protection.

If you are interested in the purchase or rent of houses with official protection have to inscribe you in the Register of Applicants of House with Official Protection.

The registration in this Register can do it through the web, to the local Office of house of your municipality or *comarca, or directly to your city council.

Requirements it is necessary to fulfil to access to a house with official protection.

The houses with official protection are houses allocated to usual and permanent residence and it is necessary that the Administration have declared them proteges. They can be promoted by private or public promoters.

The house has to have an equal or inferior surface to 90 *m2 useful (with some exceptions) and the price of sale and/or rent/rent with option of purchase for square metre is limited as the situation of the municipality in the geographic zone that establishes the normative, and the type of protection.

Besides, to access to a house with official protection, it is necessary to fulfil the requirement of revenue of the familiar unit with the limitations that establish the normative.

If it treats of houses with official protection of sale, the limit of revenue is different as to the type of protection to which want access:

special diet: 2,33 times the IRSC (Indicator of *Renda of Sufficiency of Catalonia)
general diet: 5,14 times the IRSC
concerted price: 6,08 times the IRSC


If it treats of houses with official protection for hire, the limit of revenue is different as the type of protection to which want access:

rent 25 years of special diet: 2,33 times the IRSC (Indicator of *Renda of Sufficiency of Catalonia)
rent 25 years of general diet: 4,21 times the IRSC
rent 10 years of special diet: 2,33 times the IRSC
rent 10 years of general diet: 4,21 times the IRSC

Rent with option of purchase

If it treats of houses with official protection for hire with option of purchase, the limit of revenue is different as the type of protection to which want access:

rent with option of purchase to 10 years of special diet: 2,33 times the IRSC (Indicator of *Renda of Sufficiency of Catalonia)
rent with option of purchase to 10 years of general diet: 4,21 times the IRSC
rent with option of purchase to 10 years of concerted price: 6,08 times the IRSC

Aids that offers the Administration for the access to the house.

The Plan for the right to the house foresees different lines of assistance for the access to the house:
There are aids to the rent. Also there are aids to answer on time to monthly receipts *impagats of mortgages or rent and for loss of the house as a consequence of a process of eviction or of execution *hipotecària (economic Benefits of special urgency).


Aids for the rehabilitation of houses.

The Generality of Catalonia offers aids for the rehabilitation of buildings of houses (residential use) and of individual houses.

Can award subsidies. The subsidies always are one so much percent of the budget *protegible (that is the figure that the Administration recognises as a *protegible, and on which do the calculations of the so much percent of subsidy).

Type of works that rotted to include in the programs of aids.

In buildings:
structural Pathologies, *deficiències constructive and risk.
Accessibility (installation of elevators, *supressió of architectural barriers).
Installations *comunitàries (water, light, gas).
Sustainability, *eficiència and energetic rehabilitation (improvement of the thermal isolation and/or acoustic, installation of alternative energies).

In interiors of houses:
Works to achieve the minima of *habitabilitat.
*Adequació Of installations of water, light, gas and *sanejament.
Works to facilitate the inner mobility of the house.
Improvement of the thermal isolation and/or acoustic.

Requirements that ask to access to the aids to the rehabilitation.

For can request aids for works of rehabilitation, is a general and compulsory requirement, previous to the application of the aids, the Technical Inspection of the Buildings (ITE).

For *gaudir of the aids, will not be able to initiate the works before it have realised the visit of technical inspection for the preparation of the previous report.

Only they can do the works of grave and imminent risk, properly accredited with an Order of valid execution of the city council.

In the case of works of rehabilitation of interior of houses for own use, there is the requirement of the limit of revenue of the familiar unit (4,21 times the IRSC).


What is the *Avalloguer?

It is a diet of coverages that consists to ensure to the *arrendadors of houses, the perception of an equivalent quantity to a maximum of 5 months for hire.

To access , it is necessary that *arrendador and *arrendatari sign a document of commitment when formalise the agreement for hire.

It *gestiona The Catalan Institute of the Soil (*INCASÒL), since the Area of Bails.


What is a *cèdula of *habitabilitat?

The *cèdula of *habitabilitat is an administrative document that accredits that a house is apt to be allocated to residence of the people and has the technical conditions of *habitabilitat, as the valid rule.

For that serves?

The *cèdula of *habitabilitat is necessary for:

Transmit a house for sale, rent or cession of use, in first transmission or in back transmissions.
Give of high of the services of water, electricity, gas, telecommunications and other services.

There is different type of *cèdula?

The *cèdula of *habitabilitat can be:

Of first employment: when it refers to houses of new building or in those cases in which has done a casting of the building and has left only the façade.
Of first employment of rehabilitation: when it refers to houses that are the result of an intervention or process of rehabilitation or big rehabilitation (subdivisions, change of use to create a house, casting of the house, extensions, trace back).

Of second employment: when it refers to houses that already exist.

Which is the *vigència of the *cèdules of *habitabilitat?

The *vigència of the *cèdules is of:

*Cèdules of new houses/used with date of *atorgament previous to 2004: 10 years.
*Cèdules Of new houses/used awarded of the 2004 to the 2012: 15 years.
*Cèdules From 2013:

*Cèdules of first employment: 25 years.
*Cèdules Of first employment of rehabilitation: 15 years.
*Cèdules Of second employment: 15 years.

Definite qualification of a house protected with any diet of public protection:

Date of previous definite qualification to the 9/10/09: the definite qualification of official protection substitutes the *cèdula of *habitabilitat of first employment.
Date of back definite qualification to the 9/10/09: the definite qualification of official protection substitutes the *cèdula of *habitabilitat of first employment during a period of 15 years if the date is previous to the 3/11/12 and of 25 years if it is back.

How has to transact the *cèdula of *habitabilitat of house used?

Before requesting this *cèdula it is necessary to know if the house has conceded *cèdula of *habitabilitat or no and if this is valid or no. You can do this query to the 012 all indicating the address of the house. They will say you if the house has of *cèdula and when conceded .

*Cèdula Conceded and valid:

In the case that was conceded and are valid can ask a duplicate to the different territorial headquarters of the Agency.

*Cèdula *caducada Or of a house that never has not had :

In that case, has to request a new *cèdula. Therefore you have to contact with a technician: architect, technical architect/*aparellador, or engineer of the *edificació, by means of the respective professional schools, in order that it certify the *habitabilitat of the house with the model normalised corresponding. Depending of the year of building of the house and of if it had or no *cèdula previously, the certificate that it is necessary to bring is:

Houses built before the 11 of August of 1984 or back with *cèdula of first or second employment awarded previously for the Generality: Certificate of *habitabilitat of second employment.
Houses built with *posterioritat to the 11 of August of 1984 without *cèdula of *habitabilitat: Certificate of *Idoneïtat of the Conditions of *Habitabilitat Valid in the date of ending of the building and of the Conditions of *Solidesa and current Security.

Where has to present the application of *cèdula once obtained the certificate of *habitabilitat?

To the local Offices of house that *gestionen *cèdules of *habitabilitat or to the territorial headquarters of the Agency of the House of Catalonia.

House of official protection
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