The Police of the Generalitat of Catalonia - Mossos is the police force of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Here you will find different tips that we will relate next.
Modality of theft in parking areas or shopping centers

We send you a statement reminding you of a type of theft that usually takes place in parking lots in areas or shopping centers and that has recently occurred again. The features are as follows: Someone drops something when we have the car open ...

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Modality of theft in parking areas or shopping centers

"Vishing" phone scam

"Vishing" phone scam
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"Vishing" phone scam

Deep fake

Deep fake
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Deep fake

New application of the Police of the Generalitat - Mossos d'Esquadra

New application of the Police of the Generalitat - Mossos d'Esquadra
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New application of the Police of the Generalitat - Mossos d'Esquadra

Theft of crane/platformed vehicles, to possibly commit robberies with the embedment system

Theft of crane/platformed vehicles, to possibly commit robberies with the embedment system

Information of interest for companies/workshops with vehicles such as cranes or platforms In recent weeks, an increase in theft of crane/platform type vehicles has been detected, in order to commit large-scale thefts with the embedment system and ...

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Theft of crane/platformed vehicles, to possibly commit robberies with the embedment system

Messages of a new scam in which they impersonate the director general of the Mossos

Messages of a new scam in which they impersonate the director general of the Mossos

We inform you of a message of a new scam in which they impersonate the identity of the general director of the Mossos, with the signature of the Chief Commissioner of the PG-ME. In the letter, the scammers warn that the person receiving the mail is ...

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Messages of a new scam in which they impersonate the director general of the Mossos

Security tips regarding secure connection

Security tips regarding secure connection

When online purchases are made at the time of making the payment we will verify that we are in a secure connection and with encryption of the transmitted data 1- It is observed with the existence of an S after the WEB protocol: https://www 2- It ...

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Security tips regarding secure connection

Sexual violence action plan

Sexual violence action plan

Sign 1: Part. Citizen_ generic It is a sign with messages for the public in general, it seeks the involvement of the public with sexual crimes. You need to print it and hang it in visible spaces, such as receptions, leisure venues, campsites, ...

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Sexual violence action plan

Safety tips for activities with children in swamps, lakes and rivers.

Safety tips for activities with children in swamps, lakes and rivers.
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Safety tips for activities with children in swamps, lakes and rivers.

Vishing Bank Scam

Vishing Bank Scam

You do not provide your bank details   1- They call you pretending to be bank employees with the excuse of an error in a payment 2- They ask for your bank details in order to correct the error and get your money back 3- With your money ...

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Vishing Bank Scam

Phone scam: a person posing as a ...

Arnaque téléphonique: une personne se faisant passer pour un livreur, une entreprise de transport et souhaite installer un circuit de sécurité ou des capteurs de température ...

Characteristics:      A call is received from a person who identifies himself as from a transport company and who carries a security circuit that has to be installed or that carries temperature sensors by customers in a ...

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Arnaque téléphonique: une personne se faisant passer pour un livreur, une entreprise de transport et souhaite installer un circuit de sécurité ou des capteurs de température ...

Phishing. False mail where a company that works for one city council, entity, another is supplanted.

Phishing. False mail where a company that works for one city council, entity, another is supplanted...

Features: You receive an email from someone who pretends to be a company that provides services for another company, city council. The email address is not the same as they had been used on other occasions, however, the new address used in ...

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Phishing. False mail where a company that works for one city council, entity, another is supplanted...

Poster with preventive advice for the neighborhood

Poster with preventive advice for the neighborhood

Police of the Generalitat - Mossos d'Esquadra As you know, the current situation for COVID-19 implies permanent coexistence and reduced mobility of citizens. Poster with preventive advice for the neighborhood to all entities, associations and ...

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Poster with preventive advice for the neighborhood

Alert with the false tenant

Alert with the false tenant

We alert you to a scam that "fake renters" have perpetuated in a Real Estate Agency.Brief Synopsis:A real estate agent shows a couple a home.Once they have seen the property, the couple threaten the commercial with a knife, they also tie his hands ...

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Alert with the false tenant

Channels to report reporting on Internet fraud

Channels to report reporting on Internet fraud

Internet, social networks and applications   If you are victims of a crime, report it to the nearest police station.   In case you need advice, have doubts or if you think you may be the victim of a crime related to internet ...

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Channels to report reporting on Internet fraud

Safety advice at home

Safety advice at home

To be safer at home Do not open the door to unknown people. Always ask the staff for identification of water, electricity, gas or telephone and check the service by calling the company. Be wary of the phone number provided by the potential ...

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Safety advice at home

Fraudulent mail

Fraudulent mail

We inform you of a fraudulent email that circulates where personal data is intended, in order to misuse. The characteristics of the scam are the following: An email is received in the name of "Generalitatsocial Girona". The subject of the ...

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Fraudulent mail

New scam related to the Tax Agency

New scam related to the Tax Agency

The Mossos warn of a new scam related to the Tax AgencyThe user receives an email that is supposedly from the Tax Agency, and asks for their personal data to return moneyThe Mossos have recently warned of a new scam that aims to keep the personal ...

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New scam related to the Tax Agency

For a safe holiday

Rent safely.Looking for last minute deals for summer? Beware of scams, rent safely.Beware of very low prices and if the management is done from abroad. Check the veracity of the photographs. If you are a real estate agent, you require insurance and ...

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Recommendations on video surveillance systems

Recommendations on video surveillance systems

The purpose of this document is to provide police recommendations to increase the effectiveness of video surveillance systems (as of now SVV) in those sites that have or intend to install one. It collects the installation requirements (which to ...

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Recommendations on video surveillance systems

Theft of WhatsApp account

Theft of WhatsApp account

Channel through which the scam is received: whatsapp instant messaging application.. Situation:-One of your contacts, without knowing it, sends you a whatsapp message asking you to resend the content of a text message (SMS) that you will receive ...

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Theft of WhatsApp account

Cyclists safely

Cyclists safely

Seeing and being seen is very importantAlcoholIt is not allowed to circulate under the influence of alcohol, drugs or similarYou are required to undergo the tests of police officersCirculation in interurban roadsBy the shoulder on the right of the ...

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Cyclists safely

In front of bank scams and internet

In front of bank scams and internet

Information related to security advice against bank scams and online shopping internet, so you can keep it in mind:1. Never provide bank details or personal data through email. If someone asks for this information, make sure you send them through a ...

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In front of bank scams and internet

Broken rearview scam

Broken rearview scamThis form of scam consists in making the victim believe that they have had an accident and that they have broken the rear-view mirror of the scammer's vehicle, which is usually of foreign registration and usually French. To solve ...

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Theft specialties: teletubble or mimosa

Hurts specialties: teletubble or mimosaThese robberies are committed mainly by women between 20 and 40 years old, who come to elderly people, especially men, with the excuse of obtaining a signature (and request the DNI and thus to see what they ...

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Inspection of gas

Inspection of gas

Do not allow strangers to enter your home without a personalized appointment.The mandatory inspection of your natural gas installation must be carried out every 5 years.The obligation to carry out this inspection is previously announced in writing ...

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Inspection of gas

Criminal modification of identity theft of the manager of a company or a provider

Criminal modification of identity theft of the manager of a company or a provider

Criminal modification of identity theft of the manager of a company or a provider.Features:• The criminals supplant the identity of the President of a company, which is contacted by telephone or by email with those responsible for the ...

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Criminal modification of identity theft of the manager of a company or a provider

New type of theft in 2 real estate companies in Girona.

New type of theft in 2 real estate companies in Girona.

New type of theft in 2 real estate companies in Girona.NEED TO BE ALERT!The robberies were committed in the following way:- The author enters the establishment and verbalizes something, that has nothing to do with the establishment, for example ...

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New type of theft in 2 real estate companies in Girona.


We inform you of a scam called "phishing", in which you receive a message similar to the one that is textually detailed below and asked to follow the link, through: "be here" in order to unlock the bank account's current account. In no case follow ...

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