Partnership requirements
For incorporation into the Association of Real Estate Property Agents Girona is necessary to prove the following conditions:
Be of age and not be legally disabled.
Hold a graduate degree, degree, graduate, engineer, architect, engineer or technician, or the official title of Agent Real Property issued by the competent ministry architect. (*)
No criminal record who disqualify for practice.
Having professional office open to the public (according Chapter II, arte.2.2.b API statutes Girona)
(*) The Association strongly recommends that new partners cursen different thematic modules to complement their training of origin, especially in those cases in which the university education of origin is not related to real estate.
The formation of professionals with specific and own knowledge of the activity who want to develop has to become a reference in the real estate market, so that consumers can perceive the preparation and therefore the best service we can provide our collective members.
Joining the Association shall meet the following requirements:
Request to the President.
Constitution bail.
Payment of the registration fee.
Documents required:
1. Application addressed to the presidency, in standard format.
2. Title or certificate attesting to be in possession of the title of graduate, graduate, graduate, engineer, architect, engineer or technician, or the official title of Agent of Property Owners architect.
3. Declaration on personal and professional details as standard model, including the trade name under which it will act and its corporate form, if the opportunity arises.
4. Declaration of not incurring any of the incompatibilities laid down in Article 19 of the Statute, or the assumptions contained in paragraphs c), d) or e) of Article 21 thereof, the latter justified by a certificate of criminal record .
5. Photocopy of National Identity.
6. Declaration responsible for professional offices open, if available.
7. Explicit commitment to place a sign in a visible place of professional office, the official plaque that will be provided while in a position of exercising the profession, and must return to cause low.
8. A photograph formed license.
9. Title occupation of professional practice in which the activity will take place.
10. Authorisation to open local or municipal business license.
11. Photographs of the facade and interior of the office or professional offices.
12. Explicit commitment of acceptance of the current regulations regarding schoolboy trade names, acronyms and / or anagrams, corporate names and advertising.
13. Application for registration of use of initials or monogram.
14. Authorization for the direct debit bank of its financial obligations.
15. Explicit commitment of compliance with the Statutes, the Internal Regulations dela Association Code of Ethics and the Council of Associations of Real Estate Property Agents in Catalonia.
16. Explicit commitment to comply with legal regulations on professional matters.
17. Registration Application form, expert witness, court representation, consumer arbitration ...
18. Data Protection Act.
19. Sheet registration of real estate agents (AICAT).
The partnership might be:
In Exercise. Realtors who practice.
Deposit of 300 euros registration fee of 300 euros. The annual fee will be approved by the General Assembly collegiate and collegial.
Without Exercise. The professionals who do not exercise the profession.
Deposit of 300 euros. The annual fee will be approved by the General Assembly.