Successful participation in the 9th Real Estate Conference

The Real Estate Day 2023 debated renting and the right to housing, which was a success with 211 people participating!

The Girona API college and association organized our annual professional event: the 2023 Real Estate Conference, which this year took place on the morning of Friday, May 19, at the Palacio de Congresos. La Jornada has dealt with current issues under the name of "The right to housing, a right or a luxury?" In alliance with the SDGs and corporate social responsibility, the School and association join a project to accompany and support people living with Multiple Sclerosis and their families in Girona regions. The Foundation works to stop the impact of multiple sclerosis on the daily life of people and their environment, they do so in various areas, attention to recent diagnosis, neurorehabilitation services, defense of rights... The College and API Association of Girona with this Conference showed one of the many formulas with which, from the business field, CSR can be developed.

The conference was inaugurated by the president of the College and association API, Joan Company Agustí, and the director of the Housing Agency of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Sílvia Grau Fontanals, where they gave a brief summary of the current situation and introduced small debates that were later discussed. 

The first table, moderated by our treasurer, David Saura, was prepared by Carles Sala, doctor of law and director of the legal area of ​​the College and Association of APIs of Catalonia, and Elga Molina, doctor of law and adviser on housing matters, where they debated extensively on the regulation of the rental price, topical topic after the approval on Wednesday by the Senate. Precisely yesterday, the 22nd, Joan Company, together with the Girona agents from the construction sector, forwarded their considerations and our differences on the effectiveness and timeliness of the "right to housing law" to the government housing minister state, Raquel Sánchez Jiménez who was in Girona.

This was followed by a presentation of the second table moderated by our vice-president, Fanny Puig, who gave us from Casameva, with its president Nuria Paniagua; WaldenXXI, with its president Josep M. Ricart; Unpublished Barcelona with Laia Comas and the Hàbitat3 Foundation, with its general director, Xavier Mauri to look at finding alternatives for access to housing, turning around the concept of housing, where the four speakers reaffirmed that they have solved, and they have to be made known.

The last table, moderated by Ramon Corominas, former president of the College and current head of the training area, focused on the Girona real estate market, and for this reason, what better than all the presidents of different groups in the sector, such as Marco Riera, from the College of Architects, Carme Domènech, from the College of Building Engineers, Francesc Xavier Quintana, from the College of Property Administrators, Miquel Bosch, from the Guild of Developers and Builders and our president, Joan Company, who did an extensive analysis of the market from Girona and they drew a line of what are the future forecasts that we can find.

To conclude, we had the honor of receiving the mayoress of the city, Marta Madrenas, who had an emotional message of unity towards our sector.

Thank you very much to all the people for the assistance and trust.

And of course, many thanks to the collaborating companies: 4Elements, Apliser, Banco Sabadell, Conversia, GoHipoteca, Ibercaja,, Protecdatus, Tecnitasa-Ramon Hernández, Securitas Direct and VICO, and a special thanks to the people who taught the presentations, since they were the ones that ensured the success of the Conference.

We closed the event with a raffle for an electric scooter courtesy of GoHipoteca that went to Laura Pardo, from Fincas Reyné in Sant Feliu de Guíxols. And with an iPhone courtesy of Securitas Direct that ended up in the hands of Rocío Herrera, from Fincas Girona.

The Conference was led by Montse Prats, representing the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, who together with the manager of the Girona College and API Association, Rosa Pascual, delivered the diplomas to the new members and professionals with twenty-five years of membership. The API College of Girona brings together 758 professional real estate agencies.

We closed the event with a raffle for an electric scooter courtesy of GoHipoteca that went to Laura Pardo, from Fincas Reyné in Sant Feliu de Guíxols. And with an iPhone courtesy of Securitas Direct that ended up in the hands of Rocío Herrera, from Fincas Girona.

Thanks to everyone for making it possible!

You can see the photographic report in the following link.

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